Az SSC-k (Shared Service Center) szolgáltató központok, melyek nagy multinacionális cégek kiszervezett egységeiként működnek. Jellemzően magasan képzett, több nyelven beszélő munkaerőt foglalkoztatnak, és gyakran keresnek pályakezdőket is. Főbb területek (a teljesség igénye nélkül): HR, sales, pénzügy, beszerzés, ügyféltámogatás, adminisztráció. Miért jó egy SSC-ben dolgozni? Mert az átlagosnál magasabb, majd évenként növekszik a fizetés, vannak plusz juttatások, céges tréningek, előrelépési és nyelvtanulási lehetőség, valamint nemzetközi, modern a munkakörnyezet.

German Speaking HR Training Specialist in Associate Management (PE-12195)

Our mission is to provide top-tier HR services that support and enhance our operations across this dynamic and diverse region.

We are constantly seeking a motivated and customer-oriented German Speaking HR Training Specialist to join our team and contribute to our ongoing success. If you are passionate about delivering excellent HR services and thrive in a collaborative, innovative environment, is the place for you. Join us in shaping the future of HR in the CEE region.

German Speaking HR Specialist in Associate Management (PE-12198)

Our mission is to provide top-tier HR services that support and enhance our operations across this dynamic and diverse region.

We are constantly seeking a motivated and customer-oriented German Speaking HR Specialist in Associate Management to join our team and contribute to our ongoing success. If you are passionate about delivering excellent HR services and thrive in a collaborative, innovative environment, is the place for you. Join us in shaping the future of HR in the CEE region.

German Speaking Recruitment Specialist (PE-12196)

Our mission is to provide top-tier HR services that support and enhance our operations across this dynamic and diverse region.

We are constantly seeking a motivated and customer-oriented German Speaking Recruitment Specialist to join our team and contribute to our ongoing success. If you are passionate about delivering excellent HR services and thrive in a collaborative, innovative environment, is the place for you. Join us in shaping the future of HR in the CEE region.

German speaking HR Specialist in Onboarding (PE-12199)

Our mission is to provide top-tier HR services that support and enhance our operations across this dynamic and diverse region.

We are constantly seeking a motivated and customer-oriented German Speaking HR Specialist in Onboarding to join our team and contribute to our ongoing success. If you are passionate about delivering excellent HR services and thrive in a collaborative, innovative environment, is the place for you. Join us in shaping the future of HR in the CEE region.

Join our dynamically growing international HR Service Team, dedicated to supporting our colleagues across the DACH region. Thrive in a supportive, family-friendly work environment that values collaboration and personal development. This is your opportunity to grow professionally and gain valuable experience in the exciting and evolving field of Human Resources and Employee Lifecycle Management.

German speaking Global Mobility Specialist (PE-12200)

Our mission is to provide top-tier HR services that support and enhance our operations across this dynamic and diverse region.

We are constantly seeking a motivated and customer-oriented German speaking Global Mobility Specialist to join our team and contribute to our ongoing success. If you are passionate about delivering excellent HR services and thrive in a collaborative, innovative environment, is the place for you. Join us in shaping the future of HR in the CEE region.

French Speaking Material Master Data Specialist (PE-12110)

Our multinational client is a leading provider of IT infrastructure services for which we look for new candidates to French Speaking Material Master Data Specialist position.

We are looking for our new Master Data Specialist to join our Group Material Master team. Amongst others, this function plays an important part in our product business, ensuring high quality data management, proactive issue resolution and continuous improvement. Joining to this role, you will have the chance to improve your career in a multinational environment and deepen your knowledge about IT industry, technologies, and product supply chain.

Szenior Finanszírozási Tanácsadó (PE-12149)

Lépj szintet karrieredben egy meghatározó, dinamikusan fejlődő magyar vállalatnál! Ha rendelkezel mélyreható pénzügyi és finanszírozási tapasztalattal, és szereted a kihívásokat, akkor nálunk a helyed! Egy sokszínű iparági portfólióval rendelkező cégcsoport Szenior finanszírozási tanácsadójaként közvetlen hatással lehetsz nagyvállalati és projektfinanszírozási döntésekre.

Segítségre van szükséged az álláskereséshez?

Mi segítünk megtalálni álmaidat munkáját! Töltsd fel életrajzodat, és mi emailben vagy telefonon értesítünk téged a számodra legtesthezállóbb munkákról!


Cím: 1134 Budapest, Dévai utca 19. VIII/811

E-mail cím: office[kukac]

Mobil: +36 70 399 9557

+36 70 668 1682
(English speaking contact)